I have a seven-year-old sister. One day I was greeted: I'm not wearing a shirt because I feel like it!
I turned thirteen on Dec 7. I took the liberty of officially telling my parents they were getting old.
I am female, sitting at a table with my guy friends. The boy next to me had his seat "stolen" and he began fighting to get it back. A boy across the table asks, "Why are you guys both trying to sit next to her?" I decided to fill him in. "It's because I'm sexy." I said, completely straight-faced. We were all silent a moment before bursting into laughter.
(Bye AITE summer school/jail/camp, hello Horsies!!) -Saturday.
Listening to: War All the Time by Thursday *****
My Apocalypse by Escape the Fate **** 1/2
I could watch the movie Push.
Online movie sites suck badly.
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